I love a good thunderstorm…heavy rain, thunder I can feel, and bright, glorious lightning. The other day as I was driving to work it started to rain. The sky above and behind me was dark so I thought I might get to enjoy such a storm, but when I looked in front of me it was blue with big white clouds. As I looked ahead to the heavens I saw the most amazing rainbow that literally arched across the entire road, high above the trees. It was huge!! It reminded me of God’s promise to Noah after the flood and I smiled as I thought how good He is and of the many promises in His word and how these promises are made to me, personally. As a quilter, I also thought about the process of making a quilt. The many pieces, the care and planning, the love and effort that goes into the finished product…and how God pours Himself into me with same great care and intentionality... so that I can perhaps become a beautiful creation in Him…one who loves Him and whose desire is to honor and glorify a loving God. From a distance we see the splendor of colors, but a closer look reveals details we would not notice with a casual glance. In a quilt, each piece is designed to fit with another for the finished design. I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion and incredible gratitude for God's promises to me. These are some of the wonderful promises that came to mind:
He is a compassionate, loving and gracious God. He demonstrated His love for me in the sacrifice of His one and only Son, long before I was born. He is beside me in everything I do, and all I have to do is call on Him. He wants me to delight myself in Him. He wants to give me the desires of my heart…to bless me, one who loves Him and whose desire is to honor and glorify Him with my life and service. He has great plans for me…“plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
When I seek His will, He goes before me and prepares the way. He wants me to trust in Him with all my heart and not to lean on my own understanding; in all my ways acknowledge Him, and He will make my paths straight. He will counsel and teach me in the way I should go, and watch over me. I have no reason to be afraid or discouraged because He is always with me. His unfailing love for me will not be shaken.
When I lift all my cares and worries up to Him, He sustains me. He will never let the righteous fall. He will watch over me. He is my Comforter when I am brokenhearted and my Deliverer when I am troubled. His word tells me not to fear because He is with me. He is my God and will strengthen and help me. He will uphold me with His righteousness. When I am weary or burdened and seek Him, He promises to give me rest.
Romans 8:38-39 says that “…nothing can separate us from God's love--not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God's love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!” His love for me endures forever!
As I reflect on how awesome my God is, I realize that this is only a glimpse of His promises and who He is. I don’t fully understand or know of the extent of His faithfulness and goodness. But I do know this: He loves me. He is my hope, my future and my strength. Psalm 37:28 reminds me that He will never forsake His saints. We are preserved forever.
“We are like clay jars in which this treasure is stored. The real power comes from God and not from us. We often suffer, but we are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up. In times of trouble, God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again. We face death every day because of Jesus. Our bodies show what his death was like, so that his life can also be seen in us.” – 2 Corinthians 7-11
© 2010 Barb Weatherwax
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